The co-founders of The Cornerstone Energy Group, Inc., Jeff Scholtes and Jan Gamboa, are degreed engineers with over 50 years of combined electric industry experience here in Illinois.
They have been involved in electric supply open access since before its inception. Having worked on the supply, delivery and end user sides of the industry, they have a broad understanding of the dynamics that drive this industry.
Jeff Scholtes’ extensive experience includes 19 years in the electric utility industry, with two years as regulatory planning manager working directly on issues related to the implementation of electric deregulation in Illinois. He has spent the last 24 years working with clients on shopping for energy supply and other utility related issues.
In addition to his 9 years in the electric utility industry, Jan Gamboa was at the forefront of electric deregulation in Illinois in 1998, helping to start up a Chicago retail energy supplier in his position as manager of power product development. His duties included developing the company’s initial power pricing products as well as wholesale supply procurement. His utility background includes extensive training and experience in energy conservation and developing economic models.
The singular focus of the CEG principals is, as completely independent consultants, to use their knowledge and experience to help their clients successfully navigate the issues they face in procuring and managing their energy needs with unbiased analysis and advice.